Hello, there 👋🏻

Naufal AzimI'm Software Engineer

I'm a software engineer driven by a passion for crafting resilient and adaptable software solutions that empower users and organizations.

01. About Me

My name is Naufal and I am software engineer.

I bring full-stack development capabilities to the table, comfortable working on both server-side and client-side aspects of web applications.

I leverage my diverse experience across financial industry and engineering industry to empower users and organizations.

My passion for continuous learning keeps me at the forefront of technology, ready to tackle any challenge

Here a few technologies I have been working recently:

  • Spring Frameworks (JAVA)
  • ASP.NET (C#)
  • Angular (TYPESCRIPT)
  • NextJS
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • MySQL
  • Azure DevOps
profile Image

02. My Experience


Software Engineer TraineePetronas

March 2023 - Sept 2023

  • Project: PITSTOPS
  • PITSTOPS stands for PETRONAS Integrated Shutdown Turnaround Outage (STO) Planning & Execution Solution
  • Diagnosed and resolved a critical frontend bug in an Angular web app, enhancing user satisfaction and optimizing performance. This quick fix resulted in a 20% reduction in support requests related to frontend issues.
  • Developed RESTful APIs using C# (ASP.NET) while also effectively troubleshooting and resolving coding issues to enhance application functionality and user experience.
  • Designed and implemented efficient database schemas, optimizing data storage and retrieval processes.
  • Tech Stacks: ASP.NET (5.0), Angular, MySQL, Azure DevOps

05. Me in Action

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to say hi!